Representation again in Debe South – Seecharan

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AFTER almost a year, the people of Debe South will again have representation.

This was the statement of Khemraj Seecharan, the successful United National Congress (UNC) candidate in Monday’s bye-election.

Preliminary results showed that Seecharan won the election by 1,650 votes.

The Progressive Empowerment Party (PEP) trailed behind with 175 votes while the People’s National Movement (PNM) obtained only 25.

Seecharan thanked the UNC political leader Kamala Persad-Bissessar for giving him the opportunity and stressed that it’s been almost a year since Debe South had a local government representative.

The bye-election had to be called after Purushottam Singh passed away in February 2021.

Seecharan said, “It’s been almost a year since Debe-South has been starved of a voice at the local government level. And only because of her leadership and her insight in starting that pre-action protocol and dragging the PNM government to the courthouse that today in South, once again, we have a voice.”

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In a Facebook post, the PEP congratulated Seecharan on his victory and thanked all those in Debe South who voted for its candidate, Lorenzo Sammy.

Seecharan addressed the PNM stating, “When yuh licks book, it booked and I want to say today that the licks that they got today is not the first and it will not be the last! We are going to take the UNC from today, we are going back into government.”


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