Rambachan Leaving Politics

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GASPARILLO – AFTER 50 years in politics, Tabaquite MP Dr Su­rujrattan Ram­bachan says he will be riding out into the sun.

He said he will not be seeking political office again.

Rambachan was speak­ing at the Gas­par­il­lo Sec­ondary School dur­ing the UNC’s meet­ing on Tues­day night.

He said, “There are those who will say good rid­dance to Ram­bachan. There are those who will say don’t leave but I will be an el­der states­man I am giv­ing re­birth to my po­lit­i­cal par­ty and the wis­dom of my ex­pe­ri­ence in pub­lic life will be giv­en to the new gen­er­a­tion of lead­ers.”

While he felt priv­i­leged to serve, he admitted to in­ter­nal squab­bles with­in the par­ty.

Rambachan said, “I have had my bat­tles with the lead­er­ship, with our po­lit­i­cal leader, with col­leagues but I have al­ways tried to fight in­side not in the pub­lic. I be­lieve that con­ver­sa­tions lead to con­ver­sion and that pol­i­tics is still about the art of com­pro­mise with­out re­lin­quish­ing with your es­sen­tial life val­ues.”

He said, “You must al­so be pre­pared to move on if the dis­agree­ments are be­yond com­pro­mise. I want to as­sure you that my de­ci­sion to re­de­fine my role in the pol­i­tics of my coun­try and more par­tic­u­lar­ly in the fu­ture of my par­ty has noth­ing to do with dis­af­fec­tion or dis­ap­point­ments in my leader nor of any fun­da­men­tal dif­fer­ences with my col­leagues.”

Rambachan said, “As a politi­cian more prop­er­ly de­fined as a ser­vant of the peo­ple, it is im­por­tant to un­der­stand what the coun­try needs. I will not be seek­ing of­fice again but I will con­tin­ue to serve the poor­est and the weak­est.”

“Out of gov­er­nance that builds and sus­tains strong fam­i­lies and safe com­mu­ni­ties lie the strength of a na­tion.”

Per­sad-Bisses­sar praised Ram­bachan say­ing he was an out­stand­ing strate­gist and mem­ber of the par­ty.


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