More Progress Needed in Labour – President

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

CITIZENS should strive to bridge the gap in ensuring stability and progress of the nation, as they celebrate the  Labour Day.

President Christine Kangaloo reminded the public of the great significance of the holiday celebrated today (Monday, June 19, 2023), the anniversary of the day of the Butler Oilfield Riots which took place in 1937. 

Her Labour Day message to the country states, “Fifty years later, the labour movement continues to advocate for dignity, equality, fairer wages, better working conditions and job security for workers.”

While a lot of progress has been made since the first Labour Day, more still needed to be done to fully achieve the vision of the labour movement’s forefathers especially in a rapidly changing technological world, the president said.

These forefathers would have included Uriah “Buzz” Butler, Adrian Cola Rienzi and Albert Maria Gomes whom she described as giants.

The advancements in technology would require adaptation from the labour movement in order to continue its advocacy and ensure its effectiveness, President Kangaloo said.

This progress would need the input of State, the private sector, the workforce and the representing trade unions, the President said.

She said, “Let us therefore use the occasion of Labour Day this year to not only celebrate the legacy of those at the vanguard of the labour movement, but also recommit to attaining their vision. Let all parties to the critical social compact of ‘labour equity’ strive in the coming year to meet in the middle, based on a foundation of respect, understanding and appreciation of the need for a work environment that is safe, modern and conducive to productivity and innovation.” 

President Kangaloo said, “And, in all that we do, let us put in the work, today, to ensure that we keep pace with and are responsive to the demands and changing realities of the global economy and therefore are making ourselves ready for tomorrow. Let us put country first, above all else, as we pull together to ensure the stability and progress of our nation.”


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