Presbyterian Schools Excel at Scholarships

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THE strength of denominational schools lies in the educators’ ability to assist pupils in becoming the best version of themselves while maintaining their individuality and creativity.

This is why pupils attending secondary schools under the purview of the  Presbyterian Church of Trinidad and Tobago (PCTT) through the Presbyterian Secondary Schools Board of Education (PSSBOE) can once again boast about capturing one-third of the national scholarships awarded for 2021.

The church and board extended heartiest congratulations to four schools for their success in the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) examination.

Altogether, the schools received a total of 33 scholarships, 14 open and 19 additional when the list was revealed this week. One hundred scholarships were awarded nationwide.

Hillview College received seven scholarships (one open, six additional), Naparima College – eight (six open, two additional), Naparima Girls’ High School – nine (three open, six additional) and St Augustine Girls’ High School – nine scholarships (four open, five additional).

One of the  President’s Medal winners Niall Hosein came from Naparima College. The other was Nikeesha Nancoo of Lakshmi Girls’ Hindu College.

In a statement on Friday, PCTT said, “At our schools, we ensure that an ethos of moral and spiritual values is instilled in all students. We know that they have all faced many challenges during the pandemic, however they have been able to effectively adapt to the challenges that they have faced and continue to represent the Presbyterian Church of Trinidad & Tobago proudly and it shows with these scholarship announcements. We are grateful for the amazing commitment displayed by our administrators, teachers, parents and students during these unprecedented times.”

The PCTT added, “Our schools will continue to make efforts to mould these young minds to think logically and critically and become nation builders as well as caring human beings. One of the things that all our schools ensure is that the beliefs of the Presbyterian Church are always at the forefront of everything that they do.”

Education as transformation, should not only make youths brighter but better human beings and worthy citizens of the nation the Church said and even in the virtual classroom,  the children came out victorious through the grace of God, the Church said.

 “Our schools undoubtedly helped their students tap into their potential and emerge as the best versions of themselves, while retaining their individuality and creativity. That’s the strength of the denominational schools,” PCTT stated.

Quoting from  Deuteronomy 31:6  in the Bible, the Church encouraged its pupils to continue to be strong and courageous because God was with them.


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