Police Kill Aranguez Robber

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

A ROBBERY suspect has been killed in a shootout with police officers.

The incident occurred on Sunday night in Aranguez.

The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) in a media release on Monday stated that six persons were arrested for robbery following quick action by the North Eastern Division (NED) Task Force and the Barataria Criminal Investigations Department (CID). 


According to police reports, around 8 pm on Sunday, the assailants entered a home located at Ramlal Street, Aranguez, beating up the occupants of the home resulting in a 15-year-old boy being hospitalised. The robbers also stole some items.

While on Ramlal Street, police officers observed a SUV heading west at high speed. The SUV then reversed and crashed into a wall.

When the officers approached the vehicle, one of the occupants pointed a firearm at the officers and shot in their direction. 


Fearing for their lives, the officers returned fire, according to the TTPS Use of Force Policy, the release stated.

The suspects then exited the vehicle, fled in different directions and the officers chased after them. 

After a short chase, one of the suspects was apprehended suffering from gunshot wounds and was found in possession of one loaded Glock pistol. 

He was taken to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex but was pronounced dead on arrival.

The officers then received further information from the public, which led to the interception of two vehicles, with occupants matching the description of the suspects. 

The six assailants who are in now in police custody, are suspected to be involved in several robberies, which have occurred in the division, the TTPS stated.

Officers also seized a Smith and Wesson firearm, a spent shell and three rounds of ammunition from the area. 

Police also recovered a quantity of the alleged stolen items.

Additionally, one of the vehicles involved in the incident is suspected to have been stolen, as it carried false number plates. 

Investigations are continuing into the matter.

The TTPS stated that Senior Superintendent NED Mervyn Edwards attributed the success to the Active Direct Patrols, the Grid System, and the work of the NED Operation Centre. 

He also commended both his officers for their quick action and bravery under fire, and the members of the community, who put the “See Something, Say Something” mantra into action. 

This he says came about as police officers are actively engaging the members of the community through various walkabouts and town meetings.

Investigations are continuing in the matter.


One thought on “Police Kill Aranguez Robber

  1. Was the glock pistol that was used in this home evasion a legal or illegal fire arm.? Where and how did these criminals gain possession of this gun. Did it come through a legal or otherwise port? Why is the TTPS and by extension the National Security Apparatus not able to close all loop holes that facilitate this import of illegal fire arms.? The TTPS is functioning as a headless organization allocating a scare resource to do unproductive investigations. Case in point the audit of legal fire arms dealers. This use of a scare resource in the TTPS….competent and intelligent officers could have been deployed into value added activities

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