Police Investigate Claims of Pfizer Vaccine in T&T

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IF the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine had indeed entered Trinidad and Tobago as claimed by a member of the business community,  then a serious crime was committed.

Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith in a media statement on Thursday reminded citizens that it was the responsibility and obligation of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) to investigate any matter that may be deemed serious, especially if it involves a major criminal act and one that can affect lives during the course of this act. He said an official report may not be required for the police to ignite such an investigation.

The TTPS stated, “This incident was one such circumstance, and the CoP immediately directed that this report be investigated, because if the accusation was accurate, it meant that certain persons would have been arrested for importation of a drug without requisite approval from the Food and Drug Division.”

Shanic May 2021 edited latest to use

 The investigation commenced with the TTPS contacting the  individual, who made the public statement on Wednesday that the drug entered the country and was being administered to citizens via a private medical facility.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (Investigations and Intelligence), Mc Donald Jacob, contacted the businessman personally, who was unable to provide any shred of evidence, data, documentation, or witness, to verify that his statement had any merit, the TTPS stated.

 He also claimed that he passed on information to the Director of Foods and Drug Division. When the director was contacted again, he confirmed that it was solely hearsay statements, with the initial businessman, stating “that he heard so.”

A senior administrator in the  medical facility where the businessman claimed that the drug was received and being distributed, also had absolutely no knowledge of the matter.

The TTPS stated, “In summary, the statement made by the individual that made headline news, lacks merit, and is deemed to be false as there is absolutely nothing to substantiate his claim, which has been deemed baseless,”

 While the CoP welcomes any citizen to bring forward information of any possible action to the relevant authorities for investigation so the relevant action can be taken,  he also stated that citizens have a degree of responsibility when public comments are made.

Chief Medical Officer Dr Roshan Parasram on Wednesday stated that no information was known concerning the importation of the Pfizer vaccine.

Trinidad and Tobago is presently administering the Sinopharm vaccine from China to the population.

See related story:

CMO: No Pfizer Vaccines In Country Via Government Channels



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