Police Did Not Shut Down SAPA

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THE Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) did not shut down the vaccination drive at the Southern Academy for the Performing Arts (SAPA) on Monday. 

In a press release from the TTPS on Monday, the TTPS stated that Commissioner of Police, Gary Griffith said because of the large number of persons expected for appointments and walk-ins, as well as the inclement weather, persons had to break their lines to seek shelter.  


 Griffith noted that SAPA was open at 7.15 am with lines for the first and second dose of the Sinopharm vaccine; the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, as well as those who walked in. The organizers of the event catered for at least 1,000 persons.  

The CoP said that police officers were assigned to monitor the event, but because some persons turned up before their appointment times, together with the arrival of the walk-ins, and the constant rain, persons left their lines to seek shelter. And because of the rain, operations at the SAPA compound were disrupted for a short while.  

Griffith said more persons were expected at SAPA on Tuesday and  assured that officers will also be out for the day. 


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