Dear Kamla,
All talk and stunts aside, the UNC is fortunate to be able to “claim” half a million potential supporters in our tribally divided political landscape, yet at a time when the current government is reviled and unloved by even their own traditional support base, you are so unwelcome an option only 13,000 people made the effort to vote in your party’s internal elections.
And while UNC’s business is no business of mine, representation of ALL our people is, and as the champion of breaking that racial divide and uniting our people, it falls to me to thank you for crashing the UNC.
Now the entire support base is free to leave and join or support whomever and whatever they want, and this morning I extend my hand in welcome to all the disenchanted former UNC support and invite to come join us on a journey to rescue our country and to reclaim family life, hope, safety and prosperity in T&T.
In the Progressive Empowerment Party (PEP) our policies are built on removing the power of the greedy contract mafia parasites who have used the PNM and UNC to loot this country’s treasury, to investigate and prosecute the wrongdoers, and to have our children’s and grandchildren’s inheritances returned to our country.
Our policies do not discriminate by race and we are free for the first time to establish programmes for the betterment of ALL our people, to create education systems that unleashes the power of our bright and beautiful young minds, to harness our financial power to give all entrepreneurs hope and opportunity, to make homeownership a reality for even minimum wage earners, and to revalue and strengthen our dollar, so that an hour’s worth of work will again be worth something and can yield pay that can help feed a family.

Our farmers sit waiting, wondering for the day when their value would be realised, and it is the PEP that promises to unleash all 80,000 available acres to our 30,000 frustrated farmers, to provide them with adequate water and duty-free chemicals for their crops and to prosecute those found in possession of produce and livestock who cannot account as to how they come to be in possession of such items to end the scourge of praedial larceny once and for all.
We intend to reopen the former Caroni factories retooled to assist in the breakdown and preparation of downstream food items to take us into agro and food exports once again, after we’ve ended the stranglehold of the food importers on our nation’s food supply once and for all.
Under a PEP government all infrastructure maintenance will be managed locally so that even rural communities would have their access roads and bridges repaired.
Our legendary policy of capture, hold, treat and distribute will put water in taps 24/7 without the need for billion-dollar desalination and other unnecessary schemes.
I write these things addressed to you so that you would know what matters to a people long starving for good governance and real leadership and what you had the privilege to fight for, yet instead you’ve squandered your opportunity and the power of the office you hold engaging in cheap politics and a narrative of confrontation and division in cahoots with that other cancer, the PNM.
By that historically low voter turnout, the people said no thanks, and we stand ready to take up the mandate to unite all the people of this great land and make it the country God in Heaven created it to be.
We thank you for clinging to power even though you must have known that your time had passed. We all have a window of service and your refusal to recognise that yours was closing destroyed what was left of the UNC being able to claim a right to be a first or second party.
My intention is to not make those same mistakes. I see my window of service and stand ready to use it for the good of all the people.
I thank you for your service to country and for this opportunity presented to me and promise not to waste it.
Best of luck in your future endeavours.
Phillip Edward Alexander
The People’s Champion
Political Leader
Progressive Empowerment Party
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