NTA Confirms Griffith for St Joseph

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The National Transformation Alliance (NTA) confirms its political leader Gary Griffith as its candidate for the St Joseph constituency in the upcoming general elections constitutionally due next year.

A release on Monday by NTA deputy political leader and chairman of the screening committee Lorraine Pouchet stated that the party has been screening potential candidates for various constituencies across the country for the past few weeks.


It stated, “…we are pleased to announce that we have confirmed our first candidate, Mr. Gary Griffith, for the St Joseph Constituency.”

The release stated that Griffith was born and raised in St Joseph and lived almost half his life in the constituency. He served in the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force for 17 years, receiving an efficiency medal from the President for his unblemished service.


Griffith was also the first Trinidad and Tobago citizen to return home with a UN Peacekeeping medal after serving in the United Nations Mission in Haiti, the release stated.

It stated, “After his initial military training at the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, he was one of the youngest officers to defend our country during the 1990 attempted coup.


“A military attaché to two Prime Ministers and a President, Mr Griffith also served as National Security Advisor, Minister of National Security, and most recently, Commissioner of Police.

“The NTA firmly believes that Mr. Griffith will be the ideal representative to assist in the development, as well as to properly serve the needs of the people of St Joseph.”



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