No Fully Vaccinated Person Dies from Covid-19 in T&T

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NO fully vaccinated person has died in Trinidad and Tobago due to Covid-19.

This according to Chief Medical Officer Dr Roshan Parasram at the prime minister’s press conference on Saturday.

He said partially vaccinated persons (those whole received a first shot or are within 14 days of getting the second shot) and unvaccinated persons have been admitted to both the high dependency unit (HDU) and the intensive care unit (ICU).

He said, “More importantly there are no fully vaccinated person in T&T as well that has been admitted to the ICU at this time.”

Dr Parasram said 96.9% of deaths in the country were from unvaccinated individuals and 3.1% of deaths were from partially vaccinated persons.


The CMO said T&T recognized all mixes approved of World Health Organization (WHO)-approved vaccines including a first dose AstraZeneca and second dose Moderna which was only approved Friday.

The Minister of Health Terrence Deyalsingh and Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley re-emphasised the importance of getting vaccinated as the more persons vaccinated would lead to fewer in the ICU units as well as preparation in the event the Delta variant entered the country.


One thought on “No Fully Vaccinated Person Dies from Covid-19 in T&T

  1. Hi, I have two questions you can ask at the next conference.
    1) Has anyone in Trinidad who were diagnosed with covid-19, have contracted the virus a second time?
    2) Does a person who was diagnosed with covid-19 have to take the vaccine? And if yes, hoe many doses are they recommended to be administered?


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