NATIONAL Quarries Company Limited (NQCL) and IAMovement have partnered to restore and maintain a significant portion of previously degraded land at the National Quarries Sand and Gravel Quarry in Turure, Sangre Grande.

The collaboration, outlined in a signed agreement, targets the rehabilitation of a minimum of 32 acres within the expansive 199.03-acres of rehabilitated land or land designated for rehabilitation.
The 32-acre plot earmarked for restoration efforts represents a segment of NQCL’s extensive land holdings, with provisions in the agreement allowing for the designation of additional parcels for future restoration and reforestation endeavors by IAMovement.
A release on Monday stated: “The landmark agreement was signed following 7+ years of collaboration since the start of the IWEco- TT (Integrating Water, Land and Ecosystems Management in Caribbean Small Island Developing States– Trinidad and Tobago) Project in 2018 which was facilitated by the EMA in collaboration with the GEF Small Grants Programme. IAMovement was an executing agency of this project locally on the ground alongside the Trust for Sustainable Livelihoods.”
It stated, “Since the end of the IWEco-TT project in June 2022, IAMovement has continued to maintain the sites on the NQCL compound under the guidance of the NQ Environmental Department, even ramping up reforestation activities and preparing to rehabilitate larger portions of land and have them protected from future excavations.

“The cost of these activities has been managed by IAMovement through a mix of co-finance, volunteerism, partnerships and personal funds. One of the main needs has been passionate and dedicated in-field officers and community-based “Quarry Champions” that manage and help progress rehabilitation efforts on site. While there are other financing streams to support these types of efforts the NGO and NQ have not pursued those avenues given a mountain of challenges.”

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