Moonilal Sceptical about Border Protection Agency

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THE United National Congress (UNC) has expressed scepticism about the government’s ability to establish a border protection agency, citing a recommendation from a Joint Select Committee.

Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal, during a media conference on Sunday, asserted that the government had promised the formation of such an agency in 2015 but has “failed miserably” to deliver on that commitment.

Dr Moonilal said the opposition’s lack of confidence in the government’s capacity to implement a border security agency.

He said, “Nine years later, they have done nothing. Absolutely nothing has happened but today you have talk of a border security agency and people jumping up excited. What do you expect? If they couldn’t do something in nine years, they will do something in nine months? They can’t. They are incapable and incompetent. None of us are excited on this side about this Border Security Agency.”

While the Opposition does not necessarily oppose the concept of a border security authority or agency, Dr Moonilal questioned the feasibility of its establishment in the short term, citing the need for significant legal drafting work.

He characterised the government’s announcement as an “act of hypocrisy” coming on the eve of a general election, considering the earlier unfulfilled promise made nine years ago.

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