TWO Covid-19 stepdown facilities will no longer be in use the Ministry of Health stated since they were too costly to maintain and were being under-utilised.
In a press release on Thursday, the ministry said the decision was taken to de-commission the Brooklyn Facility in Sangre Grande and Camp Balandra in Toco as Covid-19 parallel healthcare facilities.
The Ministry stated, “The cost for the use of the Brooklyn Facility was $511,005 over a six-month period. The cost for the use of the Camp Balandra was $320,000 over a six-and-a-half-month period.
“This decision was influenced by the following developments: the introduction of home isolation for low risk Covid-19 positive patients; the opening of a new parallel healthcare facility at the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT), Valsayn.”
The ministry stated that the public will continue to get regular updates on the implementation of strategies to mange Covid-19.
Once again, the ministry reminded the public to wear a mask over nose and mouth, social distance, stay home if ill, clean then sanitise surfaces, wash hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser, cough into a tissue or into the crook of the elbow and avoid touching the face.