THE Media Association of Trinidad and Tobago (MATT) is encouraging law enforcement authorities to bring a resolution to reports of intimidation of a Newsday journalist following investigations of the police killing of three men last month.
In a release on Saturday MATT stated:
MATT has been closely following developments at Trinidad and Tobago Newsday emanating from the newspaper’s ongoing investigation into the June 27 police-involved killing of three men in Morvant.
Our Association is in contact with principals at Newsday over reported intimidatory tactics that include suspicious activity at the home of a senior journalist.
Newsday considers the developments sufficiently credible to have invested in security arrangements.
The newspaper has also submitted prompt reports to all investigative authorities.

MATT encourages those authorities to bring resolution to those reports as quickly as possible.
Threats against journalists are threats to the public’s right to know and to the flow of information in the society.
We extend solidarity to our members and colleagues at Newsday.

The Association will continue to liaise with the media house and with regional and international bodies focussed on freedom of expression, press freedom and related democratic rights.