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Dear Editor,
You need to be ambitious to be successful. But excessive ambition can get you into trouble.
Wannabe leaders who don’t handle their ambition properly can damage their careers and undercut organisational success. Excessive ambition can cause you to:
- Have poor follow-through and make poor strategic decisions like the one to remove the duly elected leader of the United National Congress (UNC);
- Have you believe that you have member of parliament support and interpersonal relationships with your colleagues when you do no; and
- Lose the trust of others and many
We all understand you want to be successful, you want to feel successful, and be seen as successful. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that, but really, now is not the right time to portray disunity in the party. The party has a process for internal elections and it will be called when constitutionally due.
When your desire for recognition over powers the overwhelming support of the member of parliaments in the UNC you may be over playing hand and over-selling yourself.

If you are over concerned about elevating your personal profile and leadership image, you risk losing what the mass membership wants and the larger picture.
A true leader wants the right amount of authenticity and the right amount of humility. When you over-promote yourself, others are likely to resent you. I think you may have overestimated your hand and your ability to motivate the mass membership and collaborate with others.
Managing excessive ambition requires a high level of self-awareness, as well as an understanding of your abilities. Member of Parliament (MP) for Mayaro Rushton Paray has issued a call for the leadership of the United National Congress (UNC) to “respect the voice of its members” and move ahead with the party’s internal elections due in June of this year. Our Leader has stated that the internal elections will be called when it’s constitutional due.

MP Paray made the call at a press conference held at the Couva Chamber of Commerce Hall on Friday morning. However, United National Congress (UNC) members of Parliament continued to throw their support behind political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar following a call by Mayaro MP Rushton Paray to hold national executive elections by June and clearly from this show of support MP Paray over ambition may lick up his condition. You yourself have stated that you may have committed political suicide.
Before you acted, you may have sorted an audience of your political leader, dialed back the intensity of your ambition and worked together to seek a diplomatic solution.
It is clear the majority of membership has already rejected Rushton Paray and all those who are promoting themselves in this way. The party has a process for democratic elections and we cannot discount what the majority of the membership wants.

We must stay laser focused on the mission; which is removing an uncaring and creeping dictatorial government from office and restoring good governance to the people of Trinidad and Tobago, under the duly elected and clearly undeniably well supported leadership of Mrs. Kamla Persad- Bissessar. The UNC National Executive and the Treasurer will continue to work alongside Mrs. Persad-Bissessar to ensure that we bring a capable, caring, and equitable Government to the people of Trinidad and Tobago.
Let us rise to the occasion and fight together until the change of Government comes in a democratic way where everyone has a say.
Dr Neil Gosine
United National Congress
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