Caption: Port-of-Spain MP Keith Scotland. AZP News/Azlan Mohammed
THE Opposition United National Congress (UNC) is calling for Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds, former national security minister Stuart Young and Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher to appear before the Joint Select Committee (JSC) on National Security.
Oropouche MP Dr Roodal Moonilal and Senator Jayanti Lutchmedial made the call on Tuesday in a letter to chairman of the JSC Keith Scotland. They expressed concerns over the sudden administrative leave of the Director of the Strategic Services Agency (SSA) Major Roger Best.

The letter calls for an urgent committee meeting to summon officials from the Ministry of National Security and the Commissioner of Police to provide insights into the circumstances surrounding the removal and replacement of the SSA Director.
The Opposition Members argue that the position of SSA Director holds unique significance, as the office is endowed with the authority to authorise the interception of private communications among citizens.

The abrupt removal of the director and the appointment of an acting replacement, accompanied by allegations of preferential hiring and an ordered audit, have raised concerns about potential government interference with constitutional rights and ongoing intelligence activities, the letter stated.

Referring to past controversies involving the SSA, particularly the firing of Director Bisnath Maharaj in 2015, the opposition members said there was a pattern of actions suggesting political attempts to influence and control individuals with access to private and sensitive information.

The letter underscores the importance of a thorough inquiry by the committee, calling for the appearance of current Hinds and Young.

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