Leaking Pipeline: Families Move to Paria Suites

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THE families impacted by the leaking pipeline belonging to Heritage Petroleum have been relocated to the Paria Suites Hotel and Conference Centre in La Romaine.

Acting Prime Minister Colm Imbert provided an update to the Senate on Tuesday on the impact of the leaking pipeline at Avocat Village, Fyzabad in which four families had to be relocated when the leak occurred on Sunday.


Opposition Senator Wade Mark enquired about the measures being taken to treat with the current oil spill and to prevent future incidents.

Imbert who is also standing in for Minister of Energy Stuart Young, said that the leak was located below a garage that was constructed by the owner between two houses over the pipelines on the right of way. 

The leaks were isolated and repaired within hours and currently clean-up crews from Heritage were on site. The line would also be subsequently hydrotested to determine fitness for service he said.


The Environmental Management Authority (EMA) and the ministry have been informed and will continue to provide updates as required.

“The intention is for Heritage to provide for all aspects of their accomodation  and care until the cleanup activities have been completed and the environment is safe,” Imbert said.

He added, “It is noteworthy that the family which was affected the most was repeatedly contacted by Heritage during 2022 to desist from constructing structure over the pipeline, along the pipelines clearly demarcated right of way.”

Imbert also said, “I would urge Heritage in the future to do their best to stop any person who is building a property or a structure on top of a pipeline in an unlawful manner.”

He also informed the Senate that a full pipeline and inspection program has been ongoing for the last two years and will continue until completed.

The cross-island pipeline network was approximately 30 years old and over 80,000 kilometres in length.

To date, 800,000 feet has already been inspected and over 50,000 feet replaced Imbert disclosed.

He said, “Inspection of the above ground pipeline is much easier to execute and very advanced using non-destructive testing techniques but underground pipelines can only be inspected by excavation. This is particularly difficult when persons have built structures over the pipeline.”


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