A La Horquetta man is granted bail in the sum of $200,000 with surety by a Master of the High Court, after he was charged with shooting with intent and other firearm-related offences.
Malia Ferdinand, of Phase 4, C, was also charged with possession of firearm, possession of firearm to endanger life, possession of ammunition and possession of ammunition to endanger Life when he appeared before Master Margaret Sookraj-Goswami on Monday.
He was granted bail in the sum of $200,000 with surety or a cash alternative of $20,000, and the matter was adjourned to Thursday.
Ferdinand was arrested by officers of the Northern Division, North, Gang Unit in collaboration with officers of the La Horquetta Criminal Investigations Department and Task Force, in connection with a report of shooting with intent is alleged to have occurred on December 21, 2023, in the La Horquetta district. He was detained during an intelligence-led exercise, which was conducted on April 18, 2024.

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