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Kublalsingh Wants Explanation from President on CoP Imbroglio

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

PRESIDENT Paula-Mae Weekes owes the nation a proper and detailed explanation regarding her involvement in the entire Police Service Commission PolSC imbroglio as citizens are just not convinced by what is being disseminated in the public domain.

Failure to do so will result in citizens taking legal action.


This is according to spokesperson for the Protectors of Prisons and the Criminal Justice System (PPCJ)  Dr Wayne Kublalsingh.

A letter which was signed by 60 people was hand delivered to the Office of the President at St Ann’s Road, Port-of-Spain Monday with  “A request to explain the reason for the abrogation of the CoP Commissioner of Police selection process on or about 11th and 12th August 2021.”

It was delivered at around midday.

The letter outlines history of the Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago and especially as it applies to the governing and operation of independent institutions given that crime has a huge negative impact on society.

A similar letter will also be delivered to the four ex-members of the PolSC who all resigned, Dr Kublalsingh told

In addressing the President, the letter stated, “We write to you on a matter, which, despite our affection and regard for your esteemed person, we are constrained to act in accordance with our deep misgivings.

“We write on behalf of the undersigned citizens, and of nationals of Trinidad and Tobago, who rely on the Constitution, the laws, and the transparent and reasonable conduct of public officers, to guarantee not only our common and several interests, but to protect us from the ignominy of shame, defeat and death which befall nations where the above protections lapse.”

It continued, “We do not share the view, held by several of our illustrious civil society partners, that the nation ought to move on and not discover the facts of why the CoP selection process was so summarily abrogated in or about the Office of the President on August 11th and 12th 2021.

“It is generally agreed that our criminal justice system is in some respects notoriously deficient. This system requires our protection, support and input in its reform. Any action which precipitates its further deficiency or brings it into disrepute, or puts it into the plain view of pubic odium, deserves rectification.”

The Opposition had repeatedly called for clarification on the matter which led to the motion in Parliament to have the President investigated by a tribunal but it was defeated.

“Despite the aggressive pursuit by the media, persons in the legal profession, and our other partners in civil society  of the facts surrounding the reason or reasons for this withdrawal, no satisfactory answer has been forthcoming.”

The PPCJ is asking for a public address or declaration or in reply by letter of the facts as soon as possible.

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The PPCJ also stated, “In effect, we consider it our duty as citizens to guard the constitution and therefore please understand that if legal action is required to bring transparency to this matter, then we shall not hesitate to institute such action.”

An annexure of the “Full Particulars” of the complaint was included in the letter.

Part of the annexure stated, “Time shall not cure this breach. If it is the hope, or the hope of other public officials that the passage of time will subsume these wrongs, then we must advise that there is a flourishing constitutional consciousness among our citizens which is not shackled by political allegiances or tribal instincts.”

Dr Kublalsingh told that the ex Police Service Commissioners must also explain to the public their involvement and the real reasons for their resignations.

There are now five new nominations for Police Service Commissioners who must now face affirmative resolution in the House of Representatives.



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