Have Symposium on Rising Prices – Alexander

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‘This country was far too rich to have so many people this poor – Phillip Edward Alexander’

By Sue-Ann Wayow

INSTEAD of hosting a crime symposium, Government should focus on having a symposium on the rising cost of living as crime is a symptom of poverty.

Political Leader of the Progressive Empowerment Party (PEP) Phillip Alexander said critical questions needed to be asked.


“Why aren’t we growing food? Why are bank fees depleting depositors’ resting funds? Why are the costs of basic hardware materials and medications so high?” he asked in a statement on Monday morning before the start of the symposium.

The Regional Symposium: Violence as a Public Health Issue-The Crime Challenge is being hosted by Trinidad and Tobago on Monday and Tuesday at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Port of Spain and is a joint venture between Caricom and the T&T Government.

Alexander said, “You want to tackle crime but ignoring the number one driver of crime? If people cannot live, what are they to do, die? The well-being of all citizens is the function of government. The purpose of government. People with incomes and responsibilities don’t have time for crime. The prices of homes whether rented or mortgaged should be affordable so that all who want one could get one. That one thing would protect the family and end all the crime.”


He said the cost of living should preoccupy every state office. 

“This country was far too rich to have so many people this poor,” Alexander said.

Government should be focusing on reducing the costs of food, housing and medications and establish financial service regulations that protect depositors from rapacious banking fees.

He said, “Crime in Trinidad is a symptom of poverty and the narcotics trade. Secure the borders both legitimate ports and the coastline. Every pleasure craft port should be paying for customs and immigration officers. Sonar buoys and drones could do what the Coast Guard won’t.”

“And you can’t bribe a drone,” Alexander added.

The PEP leader said more guns in society and militarizing the police were not the solutions.

The stoppage of the inflow of guns into the country and discouraging young people from having to choose a life of crime would greatly diminish the number of guns in the country.

“It could be fixed. We just have to want to,” Alexander said.


One thought on “Have Symposium on Rising Prices – Alexander

  1. I fully agree. This administration continues to give knee jerk reaction to end result of root of our nation’s problems. Talk to us first, listen to us first then talk and listen to others.

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