Great Expectations for Sookhai

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

CONGRATULATIONS have been pouring in for newly-appointed Minister in the Ministry of Works and Transport Richie Sookhai but there are also great expectations.

The Chaguanas Chamber of Industry and Commerce (CCIC) issued congratulations to its former president.

 CCIC President Baldath Maharaj said, “We at the CCIC are extremely proud of Senator Richie Sookhai’s appointment as Minister in the Ministry of Works and Transport. His unwavering work ethic and bent towards execution are traits that have served him well in the past and will undoubtedly continue to do so in his new role.”

Maharaj said, “During his tenure, Senator Sookhai has always been a committed member of the Chamber, and we are confident that he will bring the same level of dedication and professionalism to his new position. We look forward to working with him in his new capacity to further the economic growth and development of our country.” 

Those who took to social media to express their opinions, are hoping that  attention would be paid to the roads in Chaguanas.

Pundit Satyanand Maharaj who is vocal on national issues commended Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley for “recognizing and rewarding excellence in  performance.”

He said that everyone knows was aware that this was a  prestigious  promotion and working in that Ministry is both demanding and taxing. 

Maharaj said, “With the deplorable state of the nation roads, driving has become a game of dodge the potholes. In fact, every driver on the Trinidad roads now has a special skill set that not even the battle-hardened drivers possess, the ability to react to erupting potholes with cat-like reflexes. I can only hope with an extra Minister in this Ministry we will see a renewed and aggressive  road repair program like never before.”

Maharaj said Sookhai has proven himself in the private sector with distinction and he looked forward to his impact in the Ministry of Works. 

He added that he has been impressed with Dr Rowley recruiting young and vibrant persons of East Indian ethnicity for top level jobs within his Government with Sookhai serving under another Indo-Trinidadian Rohan Sinanan.

And Opposition Members of Parliament have said they expect to see positive changes in the ministry especially on the road network.

Last Friday, Sookhai was appointed Minister in the Ministry of Works and Transport  by President Christine Kangaloo.

He was appointed a government senator in January to replace Kangaloo who resigned as Senate President to be elected T&T’s seventh President.


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