TODAY: Generally sunny, hazy and breezy at times. Partly cloudy spells accompanied by a few light to moderate showers can be expected during the afternoon and evening. Partly cloudy night with a few showers.
Moderate concentration of Saharan dust over the area.
Seas are slight to moderate with waves 1.5 metres to two metres in open waters and 0.5 metres to one metre in sheltered areas.
Sunrise: 5.45 am Sunset: 6.30 pm
Forecast maximum:
Piarco: 34ºC
Crown Point: 32ºC
Port of Spain
High: 2.54 am 4.21pm
Low: 9:48 am 9:27 pm
High: 2.22 am 3.40 pm
Low: 9.21 am 8.50 pm
*Information supplied by the Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service.