500 Flood-Prevention Projects in 2023 – Sinanan

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

IN two days, Trinidad experienced almost an entire month of projected rainfall according to statistics says Minister of Works and Transport Rohan Sinanan.

On Wednesday in Parliament, Sinanan said the ministry embarked on an extensive flood prevention programme for 2023 intended to target 500 desilting projects, clearing of drains and culverts as well as infrastructure work to deal with the embankment and breaches and river reshaping.

In response to a question asked by Member of Parlaiment for Oropouche East Dr Roodal Moonilal on the flooding especially in East Trinidad, Sinanan said that the Drainage Division and other ministry arms triggered existing protocols to ensure that the necessary pumps were on standby and utilised to quickly reduce water levels.

“In addition, the Ministry’s programme at rivers and outlets across the nation has allowed for the necessary quick run off of water. Once water has receded, the ministry team has been assessing the impacted areas and drainage infrastructure to ensure that if repairs are needed, they will be done immediately,” he said.

Noting the global flooding issue due to changing and challenging weather patterns, Sinanan said, “In the days ahead, the ministry intends to remain vigilant and focused on its programme of works as it seeks to improve the infrastructure for what we have been advised will be  a challenging rainy season.”

Sangre Grande and environs continue to experience flooding as the rains continued from Tuesday into Wednesday.

The Ministry of Rural Development and Local Development in its incident report on Wednesday reported that as at 4 pm, 50 floods were reported from the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation alone.


On its Facebook page, the ministry posted, “The recent inclement weather has resulted in reported incidents across Trinidad, most notably in Sangre Grande and environs. At present, Disaster Management Units, Trinidad and Tobago Municipal Police Service and all relevant government agencies are on the ground in affected communities assessing reported incidents and dispatching relief.”

Sinanan also commended Member of Parliament for Cumuto/Manzanilla Dr Rai Ragbir for acknowledging the ministry’s work and raising the issue of unplanned developments in the constituency.

He said, “Clearly the Member recognises the work that the ministry is doing and I give you the assurance that this work will continue.”

The Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service (TTMS) has advised that for Wednesday night into Thursday morning, cloudy conditions were expected with occasional light to moderate showers and extended periods of light rain.


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