Caption: Farmers Kumar and Anand Seerattan on their land where crops have been burnt
By Prior Beharry
TWO FARMERS in the constituency of Chaguanas East are facing vandalism with some of their crops even being burnt.
This was revealed by Chaguanas East MP Vandana Mohit speaking at the Opposition’s weekly press conference on Sunday and in a letter she sent to Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley.

She said she visited farmers in her constituency on Tuesday last week they were facing vandalisation of their crops.
Mohit said, “My Farmers within the constituency of Chaguanas East, their crops are being burnt.
“You have several matters affecting my farmers. I have had to clean water courses for farmers on my own. Now my farmers are under attack.”

She said she has written the prime minister, Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds, Minister of Agriculture Kazim Hosein since Wednesday and has not received as much as a phone call.
Mohit said, “Several shootings taking place in my constituency and several deaths arising from shootings, and you are telling me my constituents must go about business as usual.
“This will not continue to happen. I will continue to write the prime minister because I have no faith in his ministers as it relates to several important issues in my constituency.”

In the letter, Mohit told the prime minister that brothers Kumar and Anand Seerattan approached her for assistance.
She said the Seerattan brothers, who have their crops at Soogrim Trace West in Endeavour, have been the victims of praedial larceny, threats and vandalism.

Mohit said the Seerattans have made at least five reports the Cunupia Police Station and have on May 13, there was “massive destruction” when their crops were set ablaze. She said the crops the farmers lost included ochroes, carilli, sorrel and plantains.
She is appealing for help for the farmers.

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