THE United National Congress (UNC) Toco Sangre Grande Constituency Executive denounces a case of fake news circulating on social media, cleverly crafted to resemble a Press Release from the Constituency Executive.
The Constituency Executive said it was a forgery and not endorsed or prepared by any member of the Toco Sangre Grande Constituency Executive. It issued a release on Thursday signed by the constituency chairman Kerwin Charles and secretary Shamela Dass.
This after the fake release bearing a UNC logo and titled, “Sangre Grande United National Congress (UNC) Constituency Executive condemns the statements by Kamla Persad-Bissessar suggesting Basdeo Panday treated supporters as Sheep” was circulated on social media.
It follows statements made by Kamla Persad-Bissessar at a political meeting on Monday when she called said that she was equal to every rank and file member of the UNC and that they were treated as sheep under the leadership of the UNC’s founder Panday.
In a call for unity, she urged smaller political parties to prove their weight and not disrespect the rank and file of the UNC.
Persad-Bissessar said, “They sacrifice so much for our party and myself to keep us going. The UNC rank and file membership will not be used and abused and treated as hewers of wood and drawers of water. I will not let that happen as long as I am here. That will not happen under my watch.”
She said, “You will be treated equally to me. I am equal to every UNC member. We all share the same importance. Without each other, we are nothing.”
Persad-Bissessar said, “I remember in the early UNC days, in the Panday days, our supporters were sometimes treated like sheep.
“The hierarchy of the party at that time would tell us, ‘bring sheep, bring sheep, bring people’, and put us all to sit down down in the crowd there in Rienzi (Complex) and then the one or two fellas every single meeting they will talk to the sheep.
“I remembered that. I detested that treatment of the rank and file of our membership. And when I became your leader I have tried in every way to change that.”
Labeling those behind the fake release as “dishonest political hustlers,” the constituency executive asserts that they are mercenaries, manipulated by another politically motivated entity. The executive accuses these individuals of peddling lies due to a lack of merit and substance, emphasizing their commitment to exposing such deceptive tactics.
Expressing unwavering support for Persad Bissessar SC, the executive emphasised her dedication to the principles and values of the United National Congress. They applaud her tireless efforts to uplift Trinidad and Tobago, turning it into a bastion of health, happiness, security, opportunity, and accomplishment.
Acknowledging that such deceptive tactics are not new, the executive stated that it remained resolute in upholding the core principle of unity.
It stated that “UNITY” is the foundation of the UNC, and declared it to be in their DNA. It stated that national unity has propelled the party to enact effective positive change in Trinidad and Tobago.
The executive stated that the fabricated stories will not deter them, their commitment to unity and participatory democracy for better governance.
They proudly proclaim, “We Are UNC, Proud & Strong!” and declare that 300,000 and ever-growing supporters stand around their political leader Kamla Persad Bissessar SC, ready to lead them into government in the 2025 General Elections.

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