POLICE Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher has described killing of four people and the wounding of others in Cocorite on Saturday night as “senseless”.
She visited scene along with a number of senior officers on Sunday.
Reports state that 12 people were on the eastern side of Building F, Phase 1, Powder Magazine, Cocorite, around 11pm, on Saturday when a dark coloured motor vehicle approached them. It is alleged that two armed men then exited the vehicle and opened fire on the group before returning to the vehicle and escaping.
The eight wounded victims, ages 19 to 39, all of the area, were taken to the St. James Medical Centre for treatment and then transferred to another institution.

Dead are Jonathan Osmond, 36, of Cocorite, who died at the scene, while Shaquille Ottley, 22, and Antonio Jack, 57, also of Cocorite, were pronounced dead at hospital. Sadiki Ottley, 31, of Cocorite, died while undergoing treatment.

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