“Emailgate” has been proven to be a hoax and conspiracy. And as a result Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley must resign as both the political leader of the PNM and as prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago.
This call by the opposition United National Congress came after the Director of Public Prosecution yesterday concluded that there was no evidence to bring charges against anyone after exhaustive investigations instigated by a report made by the then Opposition Leader Dr Rowley.
In a statement today, the UNC said Dr Rowley “lacks the competence, compassion, intelligence and character to lead Trinidad and Tobago.”
“The United National Congress welcomes the news from the Trinidad and Tobago Police service that no charges are to be made in relation to the so-called ’emailgate’ affair.
“The UNC has always maintained that ’emailgate’ was an obvious case of a political dirty tricks campaign. In a blatant power grab, the names of members of a sitting government were deliberately slandered because the PNM party had developed no plans or policies to win the elections fairly,” the UNC stated.
“After investigations by the Integrity Commission, Google, the FBI, the Trinidad and Tobago Police Force and several independent technology experts, it is now clear that not only was the public deceived but also members and sitting Members of Parliament within Dr Rowley’s own party,” the UNC stated.
“It is disgraceful that the cloak of Parliament was used to hoodwink the country for political gain, towards the direct purpose of creating a sense of panic and distrust in a sitting Government.
“The UNC wishes to remind the population that none other than the then Deputy Political Leader of the PNM and then Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly, Mr. Orville London, is on record as saying that, ‘There are game-changers and there are game-deciders, and this is a game-decider, and at the end of the exercise there is going to be one man or one woman left standing.
“Our Parliament and democracy was corrupted since baseless allegations were used as the cornerstone of an election campaign in 2015, and Dr Rowley’s must adhere to his own words just this Sunday, ‘Trinidad and Tobago’s future lies with honesty in public office and that public officers must be made to be honest and accountable in Trinidad and Tobago.
“Fraud, lies and deception were used by the PNM to gain power in our country. This is why Dr Rowley has no achievements in four years, and his administration will be remembered as absolutely incompetent, and the worst government in our history,” the UNC statement concluded.