By Prior Beharry
POPULAR social media blogger and deejay acting Corporal Nirmal Ramjattan, popularly known as DJ Sheriff, and Police Constable Kipson Wynn have been acquitted of charges related to the 2008 robbery of a Tunapuna bakery.
The verdict was delivered on Tuesday at the Hall of Justice in Port-of-Spain by a nine-member jury after three hours of deliberation before High Court Judge Geoffrey Henderson.
The officers, accused of robbery with violence, were found not guilty by a majority verdict, with eight jurors in favour of acquittal and one saying guilt. The charges stemmed from an incident on April 6, 2008, where the owner of the bakery claimed he was attacked, beaten and robbed of $90,000 in cash.
During the trial, the businessman identified Ramjattan and Wynn as the assailants, claiming they were unmasked and armed during the robbery. However, inconsistencies emerged in the case, including the victim’s initial report describing the robbers as two men of African descent, which contradicted his later identification of the accused officers.
Defense lawyers Larry Williams and Kelston Pope highlighted these inconsistencies, casting doubt on the credibility of the prosecution’s case. They also pointed out that the victim’s medical report showed no injuries despite claims of prolonged beatings.
After the jury’s decision, State prosecutors Brandon Sookoo and Dylan Martin hastily left the courtroom, prompting criticism from Justice Henderson. He expressed disappointment, calling their departure highly disrespectful and indicating that he would inform Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Roger Gaspard, SC, of the matter. Justice Henderson is a former DPP.
Ramjattan and Wynn who had been suspended pending the trial for almost 16 years, expressed gratitude to their legal team and families.
Ramjattan, also known for his work as a radio DJ and party promoter, said, “Today we proved to them that good always wins over evil.”
With the acquittal, both officers are set to be reinstated into the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS). They will also receive the withheld percentage of salary and benefits from their suspension. When asked about their future plans, Ramjattan mentioned relying on divine guidance for decisions regarding their careers within or outside the TTPS.
Ramjattan and Wynn were also represnted by Ashleigh Mootilal, and Alysa Habib throughout the legal proceedings.

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