By Sue-Ann Wayow
TWO men have been charged with larceny for the theft of a welding plant in Maloney.
Police reported that the plant was stolen on August 11.
Kenton Springer, 27, of Red Hill, D’Abadie, was arrested on Friday and subsequently charged with larceny.
Further enquiries into the incident led to the execution of a search warrant by officers of the Maloney Criminal Investigations Department (CID) at a home in Wallerfield.
Stephon Joseph, 36, of Moonan Trace, Wallerfield, was arrested and charged with the offence of receiving stolen goods after the welding plant was recovered at his home.
Both men are scheduled to appear virtually at the Arima Magistrates’ Court on Monday.
In a separate incident, two men were arrested for house breaking and larceny also in Maloney.
The TTPS reported that Akil Mohammed and Amin Mohammed, of Piarco Old Road, were arrested and charged for the offence on Friday by officers of the Maloney CID.
On September 1, police received a report from a Danpat Seetal Trace resident. He informed officers that he secured his premises and left to visit family members in Point Fortin where he overnighted. Upon his return, he found his home ransacked and observed three Samsung televisions and seven gold rings, inclusive of one wedding band, missing.
Further investigations led the police to the men who are due to appear in court on Monday.
And in Diego Martin, one person was arrested for possession of firearm and ammunition.
The Western Division Task Force has seized one Tangfolio pistol loaded with 13 rounds of nine millimetre ammunition.
In an anti-crime exercise carried out between 1. 30 pm and 9 pm on Sunday, the officers proceeded to an abandoned house off Dillon Street, Diego Martin. On arrival, the unit observed several men scattering in varying directions.
Further investigations of the abandoned area revealed the pistol with ammunition, as well as one Sthil weed whacker.
Officers have detained one man of Bagatelle Road, Diego Martin, pending enquiries into firearm-related offences.
The anti-crime exercise was spearheaded by Senior Superintendent Thompson and coordinated by Inspector Grant and acting Sergeant Carmona.
And in Tobago, Alyandro Dumas, 30, of Rabbit Lane, Plymouth, Tobago was granted bail after being charged with the kidnapping of his girlfriend.

He appeared virtually at the Scarborough Magistrates’ Court last week, was not called upon to plead and bail was fixed in the sum of $85,000 or cash bail with a deed in the sum of $15,000.
The following conditions were attached to the said bail:
- No communication whether direct or indirectly to be made with the victim e.g. text, social media, telephone calls etc.
- He is not to approach the victim within 150 feet.
- He is not to visit the victim’s home.
Police reported that on August 29 at 11 p.m., the victim said she was at Belmar Trace, Buccoo, Tobago, with Dumas whom she had been in a relationship with for six months.
The victim claimed that they got into an argument and the accused became annoyed and demanded that she enter his motor vehicle which she refused to do.
She claims that the accused then took away her cellular phone valued $2,740 and threw it on the roadway, causing damage to same. The victim alleged that the accused bit her in the vicinity of her right eye causing injury to same, then he threw her unto the roadway and dealt her several cuffs about her body.
The victim claimed that the accused forced her into the back seat of his motor vehicle against her will, locked the car doors, then drove away. She became afraid and a short distance away she opened the left rear car door and threw herself out of the said vehicle onto the roadway causing injury to herself. She raised an alarm and she was assisted by passers-by who called the police.
Officers of the Shirvan Road Police Station responded to the report where on arrival they met the victim who made a report to them. The accused was also arrested a short distance away and taken to the Shirvan Road Police Station pending enquiries. The victim was then conveyed to the Scarborough General Hospital where she was medically examined by a Medical Doctor and discharged the following day. On August 31, the investigator continued enquiries then subsequently charged the accused.
The matter was adjourned to September 29.
Also in Tobago, a 33-year-old handyman of Town Centre, Buccoo, Tobago, was charged with the breach of a protection order and burglary.
Wendell King appeared before Magistrate Jo-Anne Connor at the First Magistrates’ Court Scarborough via Virtual Court last Wednesday. He was advised to apply to a Judge in Chambers for bail.

Police reported that on January 17, the victim applied for and obtained a protection order from the Scarborough Magistrates’ Court, which was valid for a period of two years. King was named as the respondent in the said order.
On June 20, at around 4.30 am the victim alleged that she was at her home, asleep in her bedroom when she was awoken by someone calling out her name. On checking, she reportedly saw the accused standing outside her home attempting to open the window. She claimed that he then demanded she allow him entry into her home. She refused and he became annoyed and kicked down her front door and entered the house. She raised an alarm and the accused escaped.
The victim made a report to the Shirvan Road Police Station and the matter was transferred to the Gender Based Violence Unit, Tobago Division. WPC Lashley was detailed to investigate and the victim was interviewed and the scene visited. Several attempts were made to arrest the accused without success.
On August 30, the accused was arrested by officers of the Emergency Response Patrol Unit, Scarborough Police Station and handed over to the Gender-Based Violence Unit. On September 1, WPC Lashley continued enquiries and formally charged the accused.
The matter was adjourned to September 30 .