Ruling Proves Confidence in Privy Council – Balgobin Maharaj

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‘Never before has a case pleading for the Right to Vote in a Local Election ever been victorious in a court of law, and this victory will surely be used in further matters of the like in the future’- Ravi Balgobin Maharaj

By Sue-Ann Wayow

OPPOSITION activist Ravi Balgobin Maharaj says the ruling of the Privy Council that the postponement of local government elections was wrong is a victory for all citizens.   

Balgobin-Maharaj in a victory statement on Thursday said, “It is with a great sigh of relief that I received the judgement of the Privy Council this morning that reiterates my opinion that the PNM’s decision to postpone the Local Government election by at least one year is wholly illegal and unconstitutional.”

While he was disappointed that he has lost the matter in the High Court and Court of Appeal, he was pleased that the Privy Council ruled in his favour.

He had challenged the postponement of local government elections by one year.

“This judgment has reinforced my confidence in the Privy Council as our final court. It continues to demonstrate not only its independence but its commitment to upholding the principles of our Constitution and protecting our citizens from any action the PNM takes to infringe upon them!” Balgobin Maharaj said.

With a failing ruling People’s National Movement (PNM) led by Dr Keith Rowley, Balgobin Maharaj said the judgment showed exactly why it was important for ordinary citizens such as himself to challenge each and every decision they make.

He added that the  legal bill currently being paid by the taxpayers, will be inflated as result of Government’s defeat added to the $1.2 billion accrued by the PNM since 2015.

Balgobin-Maharaj said, “This all being said, I would like to thank and congratulate the legal team led by the unassailable legal luminary Mr Anand Ramlogan, SC, for this landmark victory, which is the first of its kind in the Commonwealth. Never before has a case pleading for the Right to Vote in a Local Election ever been victorious in a court of law, and this victory will surely be used in further matters of the like in the future.”

He also thanked  Opposition Senator Jayanti Lutchmedial for her contribution to the hearing and councillor Chris Hosein and Dr Allen Sammy who provided affidavits.

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad Bissessar was thanked for  providing critical support to the legal team and all his legal battles against the government over the past eight years. 

“Mrs Persad Bissessar shares in my passion for protecting the citizens of this country against the PNM government and I am grateful for her continued advice and encouragement over the years,” Balgobin Maharaj said.

His wife Nandita was also thanked for being his pillar of support throughout his legal battles  and everyone else who rendered support.

Balgobin Maharaj also said, “And I would like to thank God, who continues to earn his keep as a citizen of this country, and who remains ever committed to assisting me to protect the poor and destitute of this country who might are not able to defend themselves.”


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