IN the Prime Minister’s address to the nation last Saturday and many previous addresses, it has become clear that these press conferences have become a bashing session.
And there is little benefit from these antics we see playing out on live television and online media.
It seems to be a personal vendetta against the Opposition Leader and her colleagues instead of the dissemination of coherent information, answering of pertinent questions or even a healthy debate of the facts for all our citizens.
When we tune into these news conferences and many citizens do because we are interested in the Covid-19 updates, such as if there will be any reduction of restrictions at our bars, restaurants, casinos, cinemas and beaches.
There is no need for abrasive language and derogative comments like these, referring to the opposition members as “imps, pimps and chimps” and “Dem is mad people.”
This can be kept for a platform at a political meeting of your membership instead of using this medium to go to this level. Quite frankly, it’s degrading and brings our leadership into disrepute and low esteem in the public’s view.
Many of these news conferences in the last few months have been like this – using degrading language and what can only be described as “gutter politics.” Many of these news conferences, the Government members and the Prime Minister have described the Opposition Leader and her colleagues with strong indignation, fit for talk on a political platform or in the gutter.
Instead of sticking to the issues, these conferences have gone so low to attack the opposition personalities in the most unfair and hateful manner. Why must we go there to discredit a person to these levels? We have lost all sense of decency and diplomacy.
Further, what the public takes away from these sessions are the political bacchanal instead of the information on the burning issues themselves.
Dr Rowley is the Prime Minister, a very experienced politician and in my humble view, there is no need to descend into the gutter to make his point in the public domain. What are we teaching our children who look up to our leaders in the realm of politics.
Leaders should bring to their people a hope for change, a better life and a belief in themselves. Be an example to our citizens and children.
We need leaders to empower our people to accomplish their goals and not to use their abilities to degrade and tear down their fellow opponents in such a disgusting manner.
During these times of economic problems and Covid-19 challenges, our Prime Minister must know what he’s doing.
Going down this route is not good for the population as we look up to our leaders for a way out of this abyss, for hope and for true leadership. Clearly this doesn’t exist with the current administration.
(Neil Gosine is an insurance executive, the North East Regional Coordinator of the United National Congress and a former chairman of NP. The comments and opinions expressed by him in this column are not necessarily those of AZPNews.com, a division of Complete Image Limited.)
A succinct and valuable read that demonstrated the need for “true leadership” that is transformative, and service-based instead of utterances of degrading, distasteful, abrasive language and derogative comments. Transformative elements are required moreso in these challenging Covid pandemic times. Lord, put ah hand