Commentary: KPB, The Perfect PM Again

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By Dr Neil Gosine

KAMLA Persad-Bissessar has a very compelling case for why she could be the perfect prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago again, based on her previous tenure and political career.

To start with her experience and proven leadership speaks for itself- Persad-Bissessar served as prime minister from 2010 to 2015. This provided her with valuable experience in managing the country’s affairs. During her tenure, she demonstrated an ability to navigate complex political and economic challenges. Under her leadership, Trinidad and Tobago saw improvements in economic performance, with initiatives aimed at diversifying the economy, reducing unemployment, and promoting investment in infrastructure and social services. This is sadly lacking under the current leadership.

Persad-Bissessar prioritised social programmes aimed at improving the quality of life for citizens. Her administration introduced measures to enhance healthcare, education, and social welfare, benefiting a broad spectrum of the population.

Education was a key focus during her administration, with policies that expanded access to education and improved the quality of educational facilities. This focus on education is crucial for the long-term development of T&T. This is our passport out of poverty as she has always advocated for educational subsidies and grants for the less fortunate.

She has consistently emphasised the importance of transparency and accountability in government. Her administration took steps to address corruption and improve governance, which are vital for restoring public trust. As the first female Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Persad-Bissessar represented a significant step towards gender equality and women’s empowerment. Her leadership inspires women and young girls, promoting greater gender diversity.

Persad-Bissessar has always had strong diplomatic skills, which are important for maintaining and strengthening T&T’s relationships on the international stage. Her ability to engage with global leaders can attract foreign investment and bolster the country’s international standing. This is needed so much now as our international competitiveness is at an all time low.

Kamla Persad-Bissessar has always had a clear vision for the future of T&T, emphasising sustainable development, economic diversification, and inclusive growth. Her forward-thinking approach has helped guide the country towards a more prosperous economy in the past and can guide it again towards a stable future.

By combining experience, a strong track record in social and economic policies, a commitment to transparency, having a caring heart and a focus on education and gender equality, Kamla Persad-Bissessar presents a undeniable comprehensive and promising option for leadership in Trinidad and Tobago for the upcoming elections in 2025.

Neil Gosine is an insurance executive. He was appointed a temporary Opposition Senator and is also the treasurer of the UNC and a former chairman of the National Petroleum Marketing Company of Trinidad and Tobago. He holds a Doctorate in Business Administration, a Master’s in Business Administration MBA, BSC in Mathematics and a BA in Administrative Studies. The views and comments expressed in this column are not necessarily those of AZP News, a Division of Complete Image Limited.

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