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Chris Garcia Sings the Lord’s Prayer

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‘After all the chords were completed and everything, after I created it,   sat down, I listened to it and I prayed with it. And it was perfection.’


By Sue-Ann Wayow

THE Lord’s Prayer has always been an important and significant prayer for believers of the Christian faith. Many has also put it into song.

That is exactly what Chris Garcia has done in his latest release entitled The Lord’s Prayer.

A song that has been more than a year in the making, Garcia said the timing of the release was not quite intentional.

Hudson, Awninings

“Maybe the pandemic had something to do with it. Maybe it was just something in my subconscious. Regardless of what reason, it has happened at the appropriate time,” Garcia told

The song will begin to be played on the airwaves from this week and a video has been posted on Youtube.

Garcia said, “The Lord’s prayer was always an important prayer in the Christian faith.  There is popularity with other religions as well too as most people are aware of it. It has special significance to me.”

He said, “Many people have sung the Lord’s Prayer and there are many good versions out there but in some cases, it has sounded more commercialised than a prayer. What I did, I tried to capture the meditative aspect of it.”

The true test of his version came after the song was completed.

Garcia said, “After all the chords were completed and everything, after I created it, I sat down, I listened to it and I prayed with it. And it was perfection.”


He said he has received feedback from many persons, some crying and saying how much the song has ministered to them.

“That’s the power of the song,” he said.

The Lord’s Prayer can be found in the gospels of Matthew and Luke in the Bible.

Garcia also shared with, the details of the video that is about three minutes long.

It was shot in three main places, at a friend’s home in St Joseph, the bottom of San Fernando Hill and his favourite – Mt St Benedict.

Garcia, who lives in Tunapuna, said he visited Mt St Benedict several times to get the last shot of him walking into the sun “just to get the right exposure”.

The area was one that he visited many times before and it always represented calmness and serenity for him.

“When you work hard, you achieve, when you look hard you find and I project and you see,” he told

Admitting he could be a perfectionist, Garcia said he spent a lot of time creating the video in an attempt for it to reach an international audience.

Led by Garcia, the video and song is the final product of producer: Isaac Farrow at DianJen Studios, mastering engineer – Johann Seaton, and video production Matthew Sammy.

Hull Support Services Ltd, Ricky Mosca, Charlotte Julian, Carlysle and Linda Chan, Renatus and Ski Roelofs also assisted.



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