By Sue-Ann Wayow
HOW many more lives must be taken to stress the urgent need for increased measures to address the surging crime rates and criminal activities in the Central area and the country?
This is being asked by Chaguanas Mayor Faaiq Mohammed who sent condolences to the family and loved ones of prominent businessman Rishard Ali who was killed on Wednesday morning.
Sharing in the grief and anguish, Mohammed in a media release on Thursday said, “This not only leaves a profound void in the business community but also in the hearts of his family, friends, and fellow residents.”
He said becoming an entrepreneur was now a life sentence as the business community was dwindling away.
Mohammed said a recent walkabout in Felicity revealed that residents were now afraid to collaborate as they live in constant fear.
“Grief and death should not be the norm nor conditions under which we unite,” he said.
Mohammed said, “We cannot let such senseless acts of violence go unchecked. This government and our law enforcement agencies need to take immediate action and effectively tackle the issues and ensure that justice is served for Mr Ali and every other victim of crime.”
The mayor said to date, there were still no strategies being put forward to give citizens a sense of security or safety and he again called for the process of owning a firearm easier, especially for business owners as they were prime targets. Ali was fatally shot near his home at Biljah Road, Chaguanas at around 8 am in an attempted car robbery.
In Sangre Grande, 12 hours earlier, Brian Bennett was killed while liming with a friend.
” Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” (Luke 13:1-3)
The question of senseless killings has been asked and even Jesus could not give a reasonable response.
These senseless killings happen routinely through out the ages.
Perhaps we are just spirit being having a human experience!