AZP News

" All the News you need from A to Z "

" All the News you need from A to Z "

President Breaks Her Silence…

  By Prior Beharry THE Order of Merit List for Police Commissioner was submitted to the…

Covid-19 Vials Missing from Couva Facility

  Vials of the Covid-19 vaccines are missing from the Couva District Health Facility (CDHF) since…

Jacob Now Accounting Officer for TTPS

  DEPUTY Commissioner of Police (DCoP) Mc Donald Jacob is now officially the accounting officer for  the…

The Week That Was: Griffith, Kamla, Rowley, President…

AZP News gives you a summary of the main stories for the past week with links…

Sunday’s Weather: Sunny with Periods of Rain

  FORECAST: Sunshine will likely be interrupted by periods of showers over few areas, especially between…

Gary Responds to PM

  By Sue-Ann Wayow FORMER police commissioner Gary Griffith in an immediate response to Prime Minister…

Rowley Loses Confidence in Griffith

  By Sue-Ann Wayow ONE year ago, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley wrote a letter to…

9 Covid-19 Deaths, 198 New Cases

NINE  persons have died due to Covid-19 in Trinidad and Tobago .     In its latest update (#879)…

Vaccines Average 3,000 Per Day in T&T

  By Chantalé Fletcher A rough average of 3,000 persons per day are on their way…

Restaurants, Bars, Cinemas Open Fully Nov 1

By Sue-Ann Wayow FROM November 1, restaurants and bars, cinemas and theatres will be able to…