Cancel Carnival, Protect the Population – Alexander

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By Prior Beharry

WHILE vaccines and boosters “do nothing” to prevent Covid-19 transmission, the Government was still touting them as solutions to prevent a spike in the coronavirus.

This is the claim being made by political leader of the Progressive Empowerment Party (PEP) Phillip Edward Alexander.

In a statement on Friday, he said, “Government’s medical advisors are aware that vaccines and boosters do nothing to prevent transmission, yet the government is touting them as the solution to prevent a spike for Carnival so the show could go on.

“The government is aware of a virulent new highly contagious strain said to be causing mass infections around the globe. The prime minister said the current increase in cases is due to heightened movement and social gatherings for Christmas. What then will the tens of thousands gyrating on each other for Carnival do?”

Alexander said medical professionals risk losing their licenses and even prosecution if their actions put patients at risk.

He said the press conference held by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley on Thursday to deal with the increase in Covis-19 cases was about “half-truths, double speak and deceptions.”

Alexander added, “If the new strain is as virulent as they conceded, the government has a responsibility to take preventative action to limit spread, including cancelling the Carnival to protect the population.”

He said, “The medical professionals advising the prime minister have a duty to go on record advising that.”

Alexander said, “The national economy cannot sustain another lockdown, and the prime minister himself could be guilty if his actions lead to preventable loss of life.”

He called on the prime minister to take preventative action to protect the population and cancel the Carnival.

Alexander added, “It would be far less costly for the state to meet with stakeholders to offset their losses to this point rather than underwrite the social impact of another lockdown.”



One thought on “Cancel Carnival, Protect the Population – Alexander

  1. Data the world over gathered from national statistics and independent clinical studies fully support the words of Mr. Alexander. This administration needs to heed his advice and cancel Carnival.

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