CAL has 1 Domestic Flight on Thursday

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CARIBBEAN Airlines will only have one domestic flight between Trinidad and Tobago on Thursday – the Corpus Christi public holiday.

In a media release on Tuesday, the airline stated there will also be only one international flight to Guyana which is on schedule for departure at 9.05pm.

On Thursday, CAL’s flight from Trinidad to Tobago  is scheduled for 7am and from Tobago to Trinidad, departure time is 8.10am.

CAL stated that persons due to fly within the curfew hours are asked to contact the T&T Police Service Operational Command Centre for the necessary clearance to get to the airport.

CAL stated, “On the day of their flight, customers are also reminded to walk with a copy of their travel itineraries to assist with any request from the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service. Caribbean Airlines recommends that persons travel on the domestic air bridge for essential and emergency purposes only. Kindly note that tickets can be placed on hold for future travel with no penalties when a full schedule resumes. The airline thanks its customers for their understanding and support as we work together to reduce the spread of Covid-19.”

Shanic May 2021 edited latest to use

The Operational Command Centre numbers are: 480-2000 ,  612-3876 , 684-5730 , 684-5076 , 684-5035, 684-5233



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