CHEESE, sausage, cassava bread and cigars were being smuggled into the country via Icacos and a boat captain and fisherman have been arrested.
Police reported that on Sunday, officers of the South Western Division at Icacos Beach responded to a request for assistance from officers of the Trinidad and Tobago Air Guard.
They reported that around 8.10am while on air patrol off the coast of Icacos Bay, they observed a fishing pirogue proceeding inland towards Constance Coconut Estate at high speed.
The Air Guard officers said the vessel landed on shore and three male occupants jumped out and ran into the coconut estate.
Police arrived at the scene and two men, the boat captain and a fisherman, both of Icacos, surrendered.
Police searched the vessel, where 51 buckets containing white cheese, 22 rolls of sausage, 13 bags of cassava bread and four boxes of 200 cigars, were found.
Both suspects were arrested for possession of uncustomed goods.
The items were seized along with the vessel and handed over to officers of the Customs and Excise Division.
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La policía informó que el domingo, oficiales de la División Sudoeste en Icacos Beach respondieron a una solicitud de asistencia de oficiales de la Guardia Aérea de Trinidad y Tobago.
Informaron que alrededor de las 8.10 a.m., mientras patrullaban por aire frente a la costa de la bahía de Icacos, observaron una piragua de pesca que avanzaba tierra adentro hacia Constance Coconut Estate a gran velocidad.

Los oficiales de la Guardia Aérea dijeron que la embarcación llegó a tierra firme en la costa y tres ocupantes masculinos saltaron y corrieron hacia la finca de cocos.