BEACHES, rivers, bars, restaurants, cinemas, casinos and members’ clubs are allowed to be opened from Monday.
All establishments must close by 10 pm.

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley made this announcements on Saturday as more measures that were put in place to fight the Covid-19 pandemic have been lifted.
He was speaking at a press conference at the Anne Mitchell-Gift Auditorium, Scarborough Library Facility in Tobago.
Also present were Minister of Health Terrence Deyalsingh, Chief Secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) Ancil Dennis and THA Secretary of Health, Wellness and Family Development Tracy Davidson-Celestine.
He said public gatherings have been increased to a limit of 25 people.
Opening on Monday:
- Bars
- Restaurants (in-house dining)
- Cinemas
- Casinos and members’ clubs
- Gyms
- Beaches
- Rivers
- Amusements parks
- Zoos
- Horse racing
- Schools only for examinations and preparatory work
- Malls fully opened with the observance of social distancing
- Team sports without spectators
- All public transport back to full capacity
- Public Service
Dr Rowley stressed that social distancing must be observed and encouraged people to continue proper sanitisation practises.
He said schools and daycare centres remain closed save for examinations and preparation for exams.
Dr Rowley said weddings, funeral and christenings will continue to take place in churches without restrictions on numbers but social distancing must be observed.
He said from Monday the Public Service will be fully opened with flexi-time and work-from-home options under the guidance of permanent secretaries.
Dr Rowley said, “The numbers have been good to us,”
He said, “We are not seeing new confirmations but we are exposed to the rigours of this virus.”
Partying and parties on boats are still prohibited, the prime minister said.
Chief Medical Office Dr Roshan Parasram said vacation camps were also prohibited.
The Ministry of Health has issued guidelines regarding cinemas, theatres, gyms and bars.