AZP News

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" All the News you need from A to Z "

Gun Amnesty: For PNM MPs Promises Kamla

By Sue-Ann Wayow OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar is promising a gun amnesty for People’s National Movement…

Bandit Killed by Registered Firearm User

POLICE are investigating an incident in which a bandit died after being shot by a person…

Central Bank Employee Killed in Home Invasion

ONE bullet to the head killed Darren Nandlal, a financial examiner with the Central Bank. He…

Griffith agrees with Rowley: Review FUL System

By Sue-Ann Wayow FORMER Commissioner of Police Gary Griffith agrees with Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley…

Rowley Explains his Wealth

By Sue-Ann Wayow PRIME Minister Dr Keith Rowley says he can account for all his possessions.…

FUL Review Coming – Rowley

By Sue-Ann Wayow THE system of giving citizens licences to own guns is to be reviewed.…

Rowley: Integrity Commission must have Integrity

‘I am saying again, an Integrity Commission ought to have integrity’ – Dr Keith Rowley By…

Saddam Calls for Police Investigation into Rowley, Wife, Daughter

By Sue-Ann Wayow AN Opposition MP is calling on the police to investigate properties purchased by…

Rowley: Don’t Worry about Jack’s Resurrection

By Sue-Ann Wayow PRIME Minister Dr Keith Rowley is telling the population to not be troubled…

Barbados ‘Market Vendor’ Supports Kamla ‘Empty the Clip’

‘It is time that the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago take the advice of the Leader…