AZP News

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" All the News you need from A to Z "

Property Tax Bill: Independent Senator Votes No 

By Prior Beharry INDEPENDENT Senator Helon Francis joined with the Opposition on Monday night and voted…

Imbert’s Property Tax is $9,000 a Year 

By Prior Beharry FINANCE Minister Colm Imbert reveals in the Senate on Monday that his house…

Letters: The Trouble with Excessive Ambition

Send Letters to the Editor: or Dear Editor, You need to be ambitious to…

NTA Confirms Griffith for St Joseph

The National Transformation Alliance (NTA) confirms its political leader Gary Griffith as its candidate for the…

FUL Case: Top Cop Has 28 Days to Deal with Delay

By Prior Beharry THE High Court gives Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher 28-days to make a decision…

No Wild Meat Found

GAME wardens and officers of the Praedial Larceny Squad (PLS) found no wild meat during surprise…

Immigration Officer Charged for False Passport

AN Immigration Officer is expected to appear before a San Fernando Master’s Court on Monday after…

Property Tax: Corrective Action Needed

DOES the government really have any idea what they are doing in the valuation of citizens’…

Keep It Moving

YES! Life is hard, and it’s getting harder as we speak in the world today, especially…

Moving Away from SEA

I DON’T consider myself a “pushy” parent. I like to think I am more of a…