By Prior Beharry
ATTORNEY General Reginald Armour, SC, says gun-free zones are not the policy of the government.
At the United National Congress (UNC) meeting on Monday, Barataria/San Juan MP Saddam Hosein read a memo from the Office of the Commissioner of Police titled: Request for Consultation and stakeholder comments on the Firearms Control Bill.
Hosein said it recommended new gun-free zones in Parliament, courts of law, schools, colleges, universities, childcare centres, places of worship, community centres, banks, and other financial institutions, taverns, bars and any government building that is deemed to be a gun-free zone.
At a press conference at his office on Richmond Street in Port of Spain on Wednesday, Armour said, “Preliminary steps in this process before a document is submitted to Cabinet for approval cannot represent government policy.”

He said the document alluded to by Hosein has not been submitted to the Cabinet.
Armour condemned the release of documents related to the Firearms Bill in the public domain by the opposition.
He said the bill was at a sensitive stage.

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