PORT OF SPAIN – Joseph Ollivierre, widely recognised by his stage name Medz Boss, appeared before the North High Court on Monday facing charges under the Anti-Gang Act of 2021.
The charges include being a gang member (contrary to Section 5 (1)(b)) and professing to be a gang member (contrary to Section 5(1)(d)).
Medz Boss was granted $40,000 bail with a surety during the court appearance before Master Margaret Sookraj-Goswami.
The charges stem from an investigation conducted by the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) Gang Enforcement Team, specifically focusing on videos posted on social media platforms promoting gang violence and gang culture, a release from the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) stated on Tuesday.
Commissioner of Police, Erla Christopher said this case underscores the police commitment combatting the promotion of gang-related activities, particularly when involving influential figures in the entertainment industry.
She said, “The lure of gangs is pervasive, as gang-culture is portrayed as glamorous and the in-thing, while we know otherwise. Gang life is a direct pathway to poverty, prison, and an early grave, as young men are mere pawns who are easily replaced.”
The Commissioner assured the public that the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) remains committed to protecting citizens, especially the young and vulnerable, who fall victim to gang violence and culture. The TTPS aims to eradicate these influences from communities.
According to police reports, the arrest of Medz Boss followed an operation executed on Thursday, February 29, 2024, at Beetham Gardens, Port ofSpain. Officers from the Special Investigations Unit, under the supervision of Inspector Stanley, collaborated with the Guard and Emergency Branch (GEB), Inter Agency Task Force, and K-9 Unit during the operation.
This operation led to the arrest of Medz Boss, with a subsequent warrant executed at his residence, followed by further inquiries and thorough investigations by PC Mc Millan all under the guidance and advice of Senior Superintendent Paponette and the Legal Officer Zaheer Ali of the SIU.
Medz Boss accused is due to re-appear in court on March 15.
Last month recording artist Kashif Sankar, known as Kman 6ixx, was granted $40,000 bail with a surety after he appeared in the High Court.
The charges against him include offenses under the Anti-Gang Act 4 of 2021, specifically being a Gang Member Contrary to Section 5 (1)(b) and professing to being a gang member contrary to Section 5(1)(d).

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