Caption: File photo- Former Police Commissioner Gary Griffith on patrol with officers in Port-of-Spain in 2020. Photo: TTPS
By Chantalé Fletcher
THE leader of the National Transformation Alliance (NTA) Gary Griffith says he is willing to help the government to combat escalating crime in the country.
“We cannot wait until after another general election. We need to act now. I am willing to help you and show you the strategies and systems that made our country feel safer on two occasions in the last decade,” Griffith said.
This was his message in a video on Tuesday in an appeal to Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley to join forces for the sake of its citizens.
Griffith said, “I can help bring back the order we had in 2021. And just three years after there was order and control, it has now totally collapsed to the point that nowhere in our country is considered safe from brazen criminals.
The NTA leader said, “unfortunately those in charge now lack the strategic , tactical and operational expertise to win back the country.”
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Griffith said while legislation has its value in effective crime fighting policy, “this situation we are in cannot be solved by legislation alone, no matter how many lawyers there are as members of parliament or cabinet. It takes a level of operational response and initiatives that most politicians cannot provide or understand because they are not trained in law enforcement tactics and strategy.”
He said, “As a former commissioner of police and a former minister of national security, I am willing yet again, to let you know that I am willing to help, because our country desperately needs it.”
Griffith said, “This is bigger than us. This is bigger than Gary vs Keith, this is bigger than politics. Our job as servants to this country, as patriots, is to fix this country.”
He said all he wanted was a chance for his team to give proper advice to those in authority to have a fighting chance against criminal elements.
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Griffith said, “This is about saving lives and protecting scared and traumatised citizens throughout the country. This is not the time for ego.”

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