Only PNM Councillor Shows up for Swearing-in

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RIO CLARO – ONLY the PNM coun­cil­lor elect­ed to the Ma­yaro/ Rio Claro Re­gion­al Cor­po­ra­tion took his oath of of­fice on Friday.

All five of the UNC coun­cil­lors were a no show and there was no official explanation for their absence.

When the Cor­po­ra­tion’s Chief Ex­ec­u­tive Of­fi­cer Ash­mead Mo­hammed called the meet­ing at 10 a.m., no coun­cil­lor was present at the Rio Claro office.

Wen­dell Charles Perez, who was elected to the Ma­yaro/ Guayagua­yare district after Monday’s Local Government Election, arrived shortly after.


Mo­hammed re­con­vened the meet­ing stating there was a pos­si­bil­i­ty that the oth­er elected councilors were caught in the traf­fic caused by the clo­sure of the UNIPET has sta­tions.

When the meet­ing was called again at 11 a.m., Mo­hammed made a roll call, calling the names of the coun­cil­lors three times but there was no an­swer.

The staff mem­bers wait­ed more than one hour and 15 min­utes be­fore Mo­hammed pro­ceed­ed with swear­ing-in of coun­cil­lor of Perez.


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