PRINCES Town MP Barry Padarath has been robbed at gunpoint and his Prado was stolen on Thursday evening.
Reports indicate that he was in Couva and robbed of his vehicle and cellphone.
He was taken to the Couva Police Station where he made a report.
Police said the Prado PDM 23 was spotted along Rivulet Road shortly after the robbery.
Padarath, who lives at Roystonia in Couva, told police he stopped at a Chinese Restaurant along the Couva Main Road around 8.15 p.m. on Thursday.
He said he was approached by a gunman who had his face covered with a white bandana.
Padarath said he handed over his wallet with US $100 and TT $200.
The bandit also stole his cellphone worth $7,000 and his million dollar Prado.
This is the second time in over two years, that Padarath had been a victim of a crime.
In July 2017, the Padarath family was robbed at gunpoint while holding Hindu prayers at home to celebrate his birthday.