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Watch: Flooded Bamboo Residents Vent Anger on Ministers

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

ANGRY Bamboo #2 residents hurl insults and cursed Minister of Works and Transport Rohan Sinanan and Minister of Rural Development and Local Government Faris Al-Rawi as they visited the flooded community on Tuesday.

The ministers were told to “get out” as residents vented their frustration and anger on the Sinanan and Al-Rawi telling them that they came to assist too late.

Many parts of Trinidad have been under flood waters after a low-level trough produced rain over the weekend causing schools to be closed on Monday.

Landslips have also been reported.

Al-Rawi and Sinanan along with Minster of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds, Minister of Public Utilities Marvin Gonzales and Minister of Communications Symon de Nobriga held two virtual press conferences on Sunday and Monday to address the situation.

On Tuesday, businessman and television owner Inshan Ishmael led the vociferous protests against Sinanan and Al-Rawi.

The ministers remained serious and did not respond to Ishmael.




One thought on “Watch: Flooded Bamboo Residents Vent Anger on Ministers

  1. All dem govt Ministers living good good off the people. Their house nice and dry. Rohan and Faris come from money – they have no idea what suffering is. I no fan of Inshan but I feel it for them in bamboo no2. However…this is what the people voted for…inequity & favoritism – special treatment on one side and abandonment on the other. Elections have consequences so all who want to say they doh mess up with politics, allyuh just as foolish. Everything in T&T is politics whether you like it or not.

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