FORECAST: Partly cloudy to overcast conditions with occasional showers and periods of light rain.
There is
a medium chance (60 %) of a few heavy showers and thunderstorms
Caution: Adverse Weather Yellow Alert till 10 am.
Sunrise: 5. 45 am Sunset: 6.30 pm
Seas are moderate with waves 1.5 meters to two meters in open waters; less than one meter in sheltered areas.
Today’s temperature
Maximum Temp:30°C Minimum Temp: 23 °C
High tide: 9.56 am 10.40 pm
Low tide: 3.51 am, 4.06 pm
High tide: 9. 58 am, 10.45 pm
Low tide: 3.55 am, 4.20 pm
*Information supplied by the Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service.