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Education, Seminars for Public Servants before Forced Vaccination

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By Neil Gosine

THERE is no evidence to suggest that forcing a population already hurting economically to take the Covid-19 vaccine is the right move by the Government at this time.


Indeed it may very well have the opposite effect crippling many state-owned enterprises and government agencies in Trinidad and Tobago.

This new position on basically forcing vaccination on public servants and encouraging vaccine discrimination is not the way to go in my humble opinion as this just causes more problems than solutions.

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Education, seminars as well as public consultation should be used to persuade public servants and the general public.

The Government should encourage all persons to consult their doctors before taking the vaccine and surely encourage everyone capable of taking the vaccine to take the vaccine.

This is the only way for us to stop the deaths and the spread that are ravaging our country.

Vaccination is the only way according to the experts that can give us a fighting chance against Covid-19. However, forcing this on people by mandating it is a recipe for failure.


This only gives more credence to the Opposition’s claims of Rowley’s dictatorial methods and ordering persons to choose between earning a living or getting vaccinated will backfire and cause more animosity against an already faulting support base of the PNM and its leadership.

It seems after the licking in the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) elections, Dr Rowley alleged scorn for the PDP leadership is carrying over to his duties to all citizens and the employees in the public service.

One has to ask if it is because of Mr Watson Duke’s position with the PSA or if it’s just more poor judgement again.

When has an iron-fist strategy or blackmailing tactics ever worked against the PSA or citizens? The Covid death figures are 2600 plus and instead of encouraging people and reasoning with them in a logical manner, he continues to use his high-handed stranglehold of their livelihoods to force vaccination down their throats.

Every step of the way we see Dr Rowley bad advice culminating from the THA elections flowing into his everyday judgment and in the running of our twin-island republic.

Who is advising Dr Rowley at this crucial stage of his leadership debacle? As his propaganda machinery is not cutting it anymore.

The Government’s parallel healthcare system is floundering and under Health Minister Deyalsingh’s direction, they have made a total bungling of the rollout of the vaccines and the system as well as the healthcare system altogether. It seems to be one big con job by their propaganda team, in fact claiming that we were number one in the world in the way T&T at one time in handling the Covid-19 spread only to discover that we were more like the second in the world in deaths per million in the last seven days.

What a mess.

When the Tobago House of Assembly Chief Secretary Farley Augustine said the THA does not answer to the Attorney General recently he definitely meant that the AG is the last person that should make pronouncements of conflicts of interest noting that he’s known as Al Rental in local parlance and the licks that the PNM has gotten in the THA elections 14 to one seems to be carrying over and affecting all their judgments in every aspect of their decisions.

This one is just another bad decision to force the PSA and mandate citizens already hurting to get vaccinated in this manner.

(Neil Gosine is an insurance executive, the North East Regional Coordinator of the United National Congress and a former chairman of NP. The comments and opinions expressed by him in this column are not necessarily those of, a division of Complete Image Limited.)


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