FORECAST: Partly cloudy/cloudy with periodic showers or rain and the medium to high (60% to 70%) chance of heavier showers or isolated thunderstorms during the morning period. Conditions should gradually improve to give a mostly settled afternoon and evening despite lingering showers.
Gusty winds in excess of 55km/h and street/flash flooding likely near heavy downpours.
The remainder of the Lesser Antilles: Fair, hazy and windy with isolated, brisk showers. Mostly fair night.
Caution: Adverse Weather Alert #3- Yellow Level is in effect. There is a significant concentration of Saharan dust present in the atmosphere. Persons who are sensitive to this change in air quality should take the necessary precautions.
Maximum Temperature:
Piarco: 31° C Crown Point 31° C
Sunrise: 5.54am Sunset: 5.42pm
Seas are moderate with waves up to 1.5 metres in open waters and below one metre but ocnly choppy in sheltered areas.
High tide: 10.06am, 8.44pm
Low tide: 3.15am, 2.30pm
High tide: 10.36am, 9.06pm
Low tide: 3.19am, 2.45pm
*Information Courtesy Trinidad and Tobago Metrological Service